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Wallet Postback

5 min read

This section can be used as a reference for Wallet Postback notifications when the following situations occur: pass was generated successfully, pass failed to generate, pass was installed or uninstalled on Apple Wallet or Google Pay, pass data has been updated via API/Web, pass has been updated on the app.

Notification Examples #

1. Response: Pass Generation Success

    "status-details":"Pass generated successfully",

2. Response: Pass Generation Failure

    "status-details":"Failure reason/details",

3. Response: Pass Installation for Apple Wallet

    "status-details":"Pass Installed on the App",
    "app-type":"Apple Wallet",
    "reference-data": {
 	"email": "fake.email@email.com",
 	"phone": "10000000000",
 	"transaction-id": "96"

4. Response: Pass Installation for Google Pay

    "status-details":"Pass Installed on the App",
    "app-type":"Google Pay",
    "reference-data": {
        "email": "fake.email@email.com",
        "phone": "10000000000",
        "transaction-id": "96"

5. Response: Pass Uninstalled from Apple Wallet

    "status-details":"Pass uninstalled from the App",
    "app-type":"Apple Wallet",
    "reference-data": {
         "email": "fake.email@email.com",
         "phone": "10000000000",
         "transaction-id": "96"

6. Response: Pass Uninstalled from Google Pay

    "status-details":"Pass uninstalled from the App",
    "app-type":"Google Pay",
    "reference-data": {
         "email": "fake.email@email.com",
         "phone": "10000000000",
         "transaction-id": "96"

7. Response: Pass Data Updated

    "status-details":"Pass data updated on the server",

8. Response: Pass Updated Notification for Apple Wallet

    "status-details":"Pass update notified to the app",
    "app-type":"Apple Wallet"

9. Response: Pass Updated Notification for Google Pay

    "status-details":"Pass update notified to the app",
    "app-type":"Google Pay"

Notification Parameters #

The response parameters table describes each field that appears in the Wallet Postback Notification.

Variable Description
status-code The status-code is used for the success, failure, updated, installed and uninstalled responses. A list of the Postback Notification Codes can be found in section 9.2.
origin The origin of where the response is coming from. In this case, the origin will always be “Wallet”.
status-text This gives an explanation of the status code. The status-text will have the following values depending on the type of response: Installed, Uninstalled, Updated, or Notified.
pass-id The custom ‘pass-id’ that is used when generating a pass or adding data to the pass in order to reference this pass in future requests.
timestamp The timestamp of when the pass was generated.
status-details This gives a more detailed explanation of the status-code and status-text.
pass-template-id The unique Pass Template ID used to reference a particular Pass Template.
tracking-id This is the tracking-id generated by our system for linking the postback with the API call.The tracking-id will be available only for passes generated or updated by the “generatepass”, “generatepassbyid”, “updatepassdata” APIs.
install-id The install-id represents the unique id for Apple Wallet and Google Pay.

Status Codes #

The post back notification codes table defines all of the codes that may appear in the Wallet Postback notification under ‘status-code’.

Code Description
N801 Pass was generated successfully.
N802 Some error occurred. Pass generation failed.
N804 Pass Installed on the device/app
N805 Pass Uninstalled on the app
N806 Pass data updated via API/Web
N807 Pass was updated on the app.


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